Monday, September 21, 2009

Poems by Sharon Olds

The two poems, “Rites of Passage” and “The Only Girls at a Boy’s Party”, by Sharon Olds, are great poems. The “Rites of Passage” tells of a boy who rises up to keep the piece at his birthday party. “The Only Girl at a Boy’s Party” tells a story of a girl prodigy who does math in her head even when she is swimming. These two poem’s ideas of heroism are different from John Updike’s “A&P”. They are different because Sammy’s moment of heroism is raised by admiration of the girls, while the boy in “Rites of Passage” rise up to keep the piece. This is a sign of a real leader. The girl in “The Only Girl at a Boy’s Party” was probably bored out of her mind so she entertained herself, which brought out her prodigy.

Interview with John Updike

After watching the interview with John Updike, I come to see that his view’s of Sammy is the same as mine. We both think that Sammy would react like any other teenage boy would if they saw a girl wearing a bikini walk into the supermarket. Updike believes that Sammy quit in protest to the embarrassment of the girls, while they are trying to be themselves. To me being able to stand up for someone else right's to be able to be themselves is a form of heroism. Sure the world will be harder and his parents might found out, but he is still young and well be fine.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Essay 9/17/09

Hai Le
Ms. Sumner-Winter
English 2010

Ingredient, Process, and the Made Thing
When reading a story or book, I rarely understand the full meaning of it. I now realize that one of the reasons I don’t understand the full meaning of what I read is because I read it as a whole. A story, just like any other work of art, is made from a formula. The formula for a story is ingredient, process, and the Made Thing. All three of these steps make up the story, and you cannot fully understand the story unless you take the time to look for these three things. These three things in a way tell a story of their own. The ‘ingredient’ has its own story and so does the ‘process’ and the ‘made thing’. In other words it’s like reading three stories, and reading the story as a whole is like reading all three stories at the same time. You can’t fully understand it that way. These three things all have their own meanings; they are all the same yet all different at the same time.
The ingredient of a story is like the raw material used to build a structure. It is the foundation of a story. It is the body of a story. The ingredient can come from many different things like inspiration, motivation, and outside authorities. Things like plot, setting, voice tone, and theme are also considered ingredients of a story, because these things are the like the bricks that make up the story. Without them we have no story, and all we have is a bunch of word put on paper.
The process of a story is like its blueprint, and the author is like the architect. The process of the story tells us step by step of how the story is written. It distinguishes between written works, and separates them from other stories. The process tells us what kind of story it is. All of these are stories, whether it is a poem, short story, novel, drama, or movie, and only through learning process can we tell them apart.
The made thing of a story is the grand masterpiece itself. It’s like the final structure of the blueprint. It’s the picture you have in your mind when you thought of the story, and it ended exactly how you imagined it. It describes every little detail imagined in your head, and you put a piece of your soul into that masterpiece. It is also your ideas and thought put into paper. It tells the message you want the world to know, and it describes the moral you want to pass onto others.
These three are all alike in some ways. They are like three people on the same team aiming at the same goal. They are like three little kids formulating a plan to get an apple from that tree before the owner comes out. For that single moment, the kids put aside their difference and became one. It is certain that not one of those kids is alike one another; however, when they join forces together it makes them one. That is why the ingredient, process, and the made thing is alike. They are a team aiming at one goal.
They are also different in many ways. While the ingredient tells you what the author used to write the story. The process tells you how he writes it. And, the made thing tells you why he wrote it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

assignmen 9/10

What is a Hero?
What is a hero or heroine? What defines their characteristics? The Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary defines a hero as a “person who is admired by many for his noble qualities or his bravery”. Different cultures have their own variation of a hero. A hero in one culture could be viewed as a tyrant in another culture. Who are we to say which one of them is wrong? Each and every individual person has their own views of a hero’s characteristic. Some people view everyday human beings as heroes: police officers, fire fighters, Presidents, judges, etc…. Others views nature as heroes; such as the sun that gives us life and the rain that cools us down. While others believe that super human beings with extraordinary strengths and wisdom are heroes. In general there are many definitions of the characteristics of a hero but not one is universal. My definition of a hero is anyone who finds courage to act accordingly when they are face with a problem, big or small.
To me, a hero doesn’t have to live up to societies rules. They don’t have to dress nice or talk proper to be considered a hero in my book. Actions speak louder than word, and everyone was born and raised different. Who are we to say if the way they walk, talk, or dress is wrong? A swearing, smoking, drunk, drug attict can be a hero if he is able to pull that ten years old, little girl back before the giant truck hits her. Can any argue against that? Saving that kid’s life is the important factor here. A hero must also be realistic and deals with everyday problems not made up ones like in the movie.
Based on societies’ and Oxford’s definition of heroism, Sammy would not be considered a hero, because he quit his job out of protest and to get noticed by the girls. I, personally, think that he is a hero. He matches almost all the characteristic of my definition of heroism. He was just an ordinary kid working at the supermarket, living his life day by day. Then all of a sudden three girls walk into his story rejecting society’s image of how a girl going to a supermarket should dress. The girls got singled out by the manager and Sammy quits in protest. Yes, he did wanted the girls to notice him quit. But, that doesn’t change the fact that he found the courage when faced with a problem that goes against his beliefs.
Page 6.
1. The wind is very arrogant and simple minded. It believes that brute force will triumph over all else. It was so sure of itself that it did not to conjure up a plan. The sun, however, is patient and smart. Instead of trying to strip the man of the cloak like the wind, the sun causes the man to discard the cloak himself.
2.The stronger the wind, the colder the air will become. This causes the man to hold onto his cloak.
3.The sun's lightly glazed convinced the man that it was too hot to be wearing the cloak, causing him to remove it. He then made the man so tired and hot that carrying the cloak became a burden. He made the man remove the cloak himself instead of trying to force it off of him like the wind.
4.Test subject
5.Patience and planning will overcome force.

Page 8.
1.The first two sentences where the situation and the characters were introduced. (2 sentences).
2.He tries to make the guard understand by cleverly convincing them into answering the question for him and choosing the answer he wants. By tricking them into answering the question, he saves himself the trouble of explaining to the guard why he would not go, and it also saves him the trouble of being forced by the guards because they themselves have also chosen to be alive and free.
3.He is a smart man who can see through the deception. Anyone would think that being an assistance to the king would be a good thing; however, being near a king is like being near a tiger. You can lose your life at any moment depending on the mood of the king and the tiger.

Page 19.
1.I believe the expression that watching the girls walking through the supermarket is like guessing which hole the ball would come out in a pinball game. It makes a story about three girls who walk through a supermarket interesting to read because you are just sitting back wondering how he would describe the ordinary condiments of the supermarket.
2.The character of Sammy is just an ordinary teenage young man who is working at a supermarket trying to pass the time by. It starts off as him just checking the girls out and detailing what he thinks of them. But, over time he seems to admire the queen very much. Wanting the girl to notice his heroism is just what any ordinary boy who is about to lose his job would do. It does not make him any less then a hero it just makes him a realistic hero. His thoughts and feelings where more portrayed.
3.The exposition of the story would have to be the beginning when Sammy and the girls where introduced and he begins to talk about them. To me the queen was so detailed because it lead to Sammy's maturity. Someone who is not afraid to step out of society's way of thinking and wear a bathing suit to a supermarket. It lead him to admire her and the inevitable ending of the story.
5.The dramatic conflict became apparent when Lengel approached the girls and Sammy. The crisis became apparent when Lengel told the girls that the store's policy required them to wear a top. The climax of the story is when Sammy decides to quit.
6.Because he does not believe that Lengel should embarrass the girls like that. He wants to be like the queen and step away from society's holding and just do what you want to do.
7.No. Where Sammy starts a new paragraph saying, "Now here comes the sad part of the story."
8.Sammy has no job and he will have to explain to his parents why he has no job. Life will become harder for him. When your not following the rules society sets out for you life will become hard.
9.Everyday is the same in the supermarket society, and when something different come along everyone stops and stare, trying to intimidate the the new essence. Finally the "man" comes out and puts a stop to the new essence before it can manifest.